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Second High School DxD BorN Promotional Video Streamed
anime merchandise / 2015-03-17

 The official website for the upcoming third anime season of Ichiei Ishibumi and Miyama-Zero’s High School DxD began streaming the second promotional video on Sunday

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The website also revealed the Opening theme song for the upcoming anime. It was earlier revealed that Japanese female singer ChouCho will be performing the OP. The name of the song will be “BLESS YoUr NAME” and will be available in stores from April 15th. Four-member voice actress unit StylipS will sing the ending theme song titled, “Give Me Secret,” and will ship on a single on May 27.
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Here is a synopsis of the series from Haruhichan:
Issei Hyodo is your average perverted high school student whose one wish in life is to have his own harem, but he’s got to be one of the unluckiest guys around. He goes on his first date with a girl only to get brutally attacked and killed when it turns out the girl is really a vicious fallen angel. To top it all off, he’s later reincarnated as a devil by his gorgeous senpai who tells him that she is also a devil and now his master! One thing’s for sure, his peaceful days are over. In a battle between devils and angels, who will win?
Source: High School DxD official website
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