The official website of the 2015 Digimon Adventure sequel anime has revealed a new key visual for the series. In addition to this, it has also been revealed that the Kouji Wada will return to do the opening theme song “Butter-Fly” while Miyazaki Ayumi will return to perform “Brave Heart” for the insert song. The Digimon cast will remain the same. Last January Shueisha’s V Jump magazine revealed a new article about the upcoming Digimon Adventure Tri., which has revealed the first new image of Agumon in the upcoming series, showcasing his new design.
Digimon (Digital Monsters in Japan) is a large multimedia franchise that was based on Bandai’s Digivice products, which first released in 1997. The toys were based on Tamagotchis, which were also produced by Bandai. The toys were seen as more female orientated products, so Bandai created a new line of products for a male equivalent. The first anime adaptation, Digimon Adventure, was produced in 1999 by Toei Animation. A film and TV anime were released alongside each other in 1999, the movie being a 20 minute anime produced by Mamoru Hosoda (Wolf Children, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time). Since then there has been numerous anime series, toys, figures, manga, video games and trading card games in the franchise. And this year, will mark the 15th anniversary of Digimon Adventure.
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