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God Eater
Anime products Wholesale / 2015-02-05
Anime products WholesaleGod Eater is an Action Role Playing, Hack n Slash game developed by Shift and published by Bandai Namco Games. The games are set in a dystopian future Japan, where large monsters called Aragami have destroyed most of mankind. In the games you play as a God Eater, a small group of soldiers whose sole purpose is to defeat the Aragami using weapons made from the Aragami’s cells. A total of 3 games have been released since its start in 2010. The first game in the series released in Japan in February 2010 for the PlayStation Portable with an updated release titled Gods Eater Burst later in the year, where it also released internationally. A direct sequel to the game was published last year in Japan on the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita. The game has been announced to be localised, but no date has been given yet. An anime adaptation by ufotable was announced earlier this year, the released date of the anime is still unknown.
God Eater synopsis from Haruhichan:
Anime adaptation of Bandai Namco’s PSP action game series “God Eater.”
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