Title: Tokyo Ghoul √A
Japanese Title: 東京喰種√A
Episodes: 12
Animation Studio: Studio Pierrot
Genre: Shonen, Action, Horror, Thriller, Supernatural
Highly anticipated series Tokyo Ghoul releases its second season only a couple months after the first – and with that cliffhanger ending from the last, we’re glad it’s finally out! Given the name Tokyo Ghoul √A (Tokyo Ghoul Root A), this season, although a continuation of the last, veers off from the story of the manga. While this came as an unpleasant shock to many, there are some who are curious as to what it means for the show. The fact that its written by the original creator allows room for some hope to shine through. It may yet be just as good; possibly better?
In terms of the content of the episode itself, it’s an entirely different story. It continues exactly where the first season left off, and our man Ken Kaneki is as badass is ever. Fans who were waiting for the shift in Ken’s personality will not be disappointed, as the action sequences with him are phenomenal.
Filled with fight scenes, sweet visuals, great use of soundtrack and minimal but tasteful dialogue, Tokyo Ghoul Root A started with a bang – almost literally. Several old faces are seen while a slew of new ones are introduced. As the battle between Anteiku and Aogiri rages on, humans are caught somewhere in the middle of this war they cannot even comprehend and Kaneki is the center of it. The episode could have made a great last episode for the previous season as well, as its ending was just as ambiguous yet exciting as the last, teasing the audience with more to come and ending with a twist. Without giving too much away, the episode is sure to impress fans, so as long as it is watched with an open mind and one doesn’t scrutinize or compare with the manga too much.
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