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Countdown to Aldnoah.Zero 2nd Season: Day 1
Anime products Wholesale / 2015-01-09

 With Aldnoah.Zero 2nd Season launching on January 10th at midnight JST on Tokyo MX, BS11 and Niconico, original character designer Takako Shimura (Aldnoah.Zero) has revealed the final countdown sketches.

Two sketches were done for the final day of the countdown:
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Previous countdown sketches:
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Aldnoah.Zero synopsis from Haruhichan:
In 1972, the Apollo 17 mission found a hypergate to Mars on the surface of the moon. Upon landing, astronauts discovered a enchanted utility later referred to as ‘Aldnoah’, giving the astronauts a status of superiority. Soon, many humans have relocated to Mars, and have adapted to the name ‘Martians’. After Princess Asseylum, a royal Martian princess, descends onto Earth in an attempt to create a treaty between both planets, a war breaks out between Earth and Mars, and Martian soldiers begin to descend from the sky, riding steel giants, intent on exterminating humanity.
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