Location: Anime Wholesale > Anime News >weakest show About Akuma no Riddle
Akuma no Riddle is a strange show, to be honest. It makes no real effort to expand on its setting or overarching plot, which leaves you with just the moment to moment action to go by. The cast is also largely nothing special, with most of the characters fulfilling basic conventional character archetypes (and some not fulfilling these archetypes particularly well) and barely functioning beyond their tendency to attack Haru one at a time, once per week in a typical 'monster of the week' format. Haru herself is strangely endearing with her tireless optimism and friendly disposition, even towards her classmates who she is very aware are all going to try to kill her in cold blood at some point or another. But the only mildly interesting character in the show other than Haru so far is Nio, a mysterious and somewhat amusing girl who watches over the proceedings as a sort of referee rather than actively participating herself. Even more strange is Haru herself, who seems to be totally at peace with the fact that she is very clearly on the chopping block. Perhaps in spite of this, she continually places more trust in her classmates than any sane person in her situation ought to. When invited to meet one of the girls in a secluded location late at night, she happily agrees. Despite how foolish she acts and how sunny her disposition generally is, Haru doesn't give the impression of being a total dope. This isn't her first rodeo, and underneath that bubbly personality we see a girl who's fought all her life just to stay alive, and is at this point inexplicably confident in her ability to get through this ordeal just as she has before.