14 January New Fan "F" propaganda public image
www.you-q.net anime wholesaler / 2013-08-14 |
Scheduled for next year in January to begin broadcasting TV animation "forestry", following the seiyuu lineup, production team and other information disclosed in succession, it is now officially released the animation speed of publicity image! During more than one minute and a half of the image, not only can see the first part of the animation clips, and still hear the hero Hata farming households times the teacher's voice.
"F" is the creation by the Shiratori Shiro, cut operator is responsible for drawing illustrations and affiliated GA library light novels, pamphlets has been released six volumes, Volume 7, scheduled for September 17 sale. By the Asian cherry pills responsible for painting the comic version began in March last year in "YOUNG GANGAN" on the series, pamphlets has already launched three volumes. In addition, as the drama CD was last April 27 sale. Department of Agriculture as part of the academy love comedy, works in Gifu Prefectural Tianmao Nong Lam colleges for the stage, the main description of the youth in agriculture sway agricultural high school students' everyday story. Of course, sometimes fall festival parade also makes this work even more highlights and spectacle.