Remote Control PC Virus' Suspect Denies Charges anime wholesaler / 2013-02-28 |
Yūsuke Katayama, a 30-year-old above Internet aggregation agent doubtable of application awful software (malware) to accidentally ascendancy victims' computers, is abstinent all badge accusations adjoin him. Among added charges, he was arrested on Sunday for allegedly announcement a blackmail on the 2channel appointment to accomplish a annihilation at the Comic Market 82 accident in August.
“This is not the truth,” the doubtable said to authorities afterwards the arrest, “That's in fact not the truth.” He is aswell doubtable by badge to accept acclimated the malware to anatomy anime adventure administrator Masaki Kitamura (Gundam 00), who was arrested for aggressive a annihilation agnate to the 2008 Akihabara killings adjoin Osaka's "Otaroad" commune in August. Kitamura and three added men captivated on agnate accuse were eventually released, and the government about apologized to all four for arresting them.
Since endure year, account organizations accept accustomed assorted email letters from the declared "real criminal" abaft the malware. By afterward the instructions in a January 5 message, a microSD anamnesis agenda with the malware was apparent on the collar of a cat in Kanagawa Prefecture's Enoshima island. The badge again advised the footage from a aegis camera abreast the cat's area and begin footage of a man acting cautiously abreast the cat. With the footage, the authorities articular the doubtable as the one who allegedly larboard the anamnesis card.
According to the authorities, the anamnesis agenda independent letters of abhorrence appear police, mainly due to the doubtable getting ahead arrested eight years ago for authoritative threats over the Internet. The bulletin biographer abhorrent the badge for bond him up in the incident, and added that the arrest had befuddled his activity into disorder, even admitting he was innocent.
The online anonymity networking affairs Tor was begin on the suspect's plan computer in Tokyo's Minato ward, and badge say that annal aural the affairs showed affirmation that it had been acclimated assorted times. The board doubtable that Katayama wrote 13 notices from this computer.
The badge confiscated assorted computers from the suspect's above abode on Monday. The badge advised whether the doubtable acclimated an Internet café in Tokyo's Akihabara commune on January 18, as able-bodied as one of several cat cafés nearby.
The suspect's ancestor told reporters, “If the doubtable is in fact the accurate criminal, as a human, I will not absolve him this time for his crimes that accept afflicted different people. I anticipate that crimes application the Internet will abide to appear in the future, so I achievement that the badge will access their efforts to get with the times and accomplish countermeasures.”
The malware is still declared by the Japanese media and the Japanese government's Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) as a "virus." However, the IPA said that the malware was broadcast by bluffing users into cerebration they were downloading a "character barter software," agnate to malware accepted as "Trojan horses."
Katayama has not been affiliated to the contempo access of threats adjoin assorted locations affiliated to Kuroko's Basketball architect Tadatoshi Fujimaki. Those threats, which led to the barring of Kuroko's Basketball circles from December's Comic Market 83 and added aegis at the event, were beatific by postal mail instead of by email.